Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Congratulations to The Survival Mom!

Congratulations to The Survival Mom!

A few months ago I was contacted by Jessica Bennett, a reporter from Newsweek, to help her with her article about preppers. One of the things she was looking for was a "suburban prepper" who she could do a one on one interview with, someone who could really explain what a main stream prepper is like. Well, the first person who came to my mind was Lisa from The Survival Mom, and one of our very own bloggers right here on APN, and boy was that a good call! I think Lisa did an outstanding job with the interview! Let's all give her a big congratulations and a thanks for representing preppers in a good light. You can watch the video and read the complete article here: http://www.newsweek.com/id/228428/page/1

I also would like to give Jessica Bennett a very big thank you for allowing preppers the opportunity to be interviewed and recieved a fair and balanced report. I'd be more than happy to work with her again in the future.

As with any major media coverage, one expects the other side to be represented as well. I have no problem with that especially when we got someone as awesome as The Survival Mom representing our side. From the article Jessica quotes Art Markman, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Texas as saying; "Between the media and the Internet, many people have built up a sense that there's this calamity out there that needs to be avoided," Well, no offense to ole Art, but when you got a nice secure cushy job with tenure it's hard to imagine life without food. Just wait till you have a calamity sir, then you'll think twice about what should be "avoided". While I don't wish ill will upon anyone, everyone, eventually experiences a "calamity" of one sort or another, and As Jessica stated at the end of her article: "As for the rest of us, isn't it a little bit crazy not to prepare?"

Anyway, again, lets all thank and congratulate Lisa for the awesome job in the interview, and give a big thanks to Jessica for allowing us the opportunity to give our story.

Re-posted from APN

From www.pioneerliving.net

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A sad day!

America is being mourned the world-over this day...nations around the globe that held America as the great hope of freedom, liberty, justice, and the model for every human being to aspire has been doused by a greedy, power-hungry partisan political apparatus.

Over 233 years of sacrifice for the ideal that we have a federal government "for all the people" has been shattered under the disguise of healthcare. Our warriors by the hundreds of thousands have sacrificed, bled and died for all of America, not just part of America, not just for a few States, nor has America ever asked a few States to pick up the burden of freedom for the entire United States.

A few dishonorable Senators have milked the American people for their own selfish agenda, penalizing the bulk of America to fund special programs within selected States at the expense of citizens of other States. You can read what is evident at this point in the information below...but this is only the beginning of understanding the damage and cost to freedom included in the Senate and House of Representatives healthcare legislation.

I personally condemn, reject, and abhor the selfish action of Senator Bill Nelson, my Senator from Florida, for his despicable action in pursuing special favor for Florida at the expense of the remaining 49 US States.

Whatever happened to "E Pluribus Unum"?

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

Here's some of the "perks" that wavering, unprincipled Senators received as bribes to vote for the Senate healthcare legislation. They must be held accountable with severe repercussions...America must put right ahead of personal gain, otherwise the "United" States of America is gone.
The payoffs ("Bribes") with your money from National Review online:

Sen. Ben Nelson (D., Neb.):

—$1.2 billion over ten years for a permanent exemption from Nebraska's share of the Medicaid expansion. The only state so exempted under the bill.

—Exemption for Nebraska from an excise tax on non-profit insurers.

Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.)

—Exemption from the non-profit excise tax for Michigan insurers. Michigan and Nebraska were the only two states so exempted.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.)

—$10 billion for "community health centers".

—Protections from cuts to Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in Vermont.

—$250 million over six years in expanded federal Medicaid funding.

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D., La.)

—$300 million increase in Medicaid funding in Louisiana.

Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.), Sen. Paul Kirk (D., Mass).

—Three years of expanded federal Medicaid funding.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.), Sen. Bob Casey (D., Pa.), Sen. Arlen Specter (D., Pa.), Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.)

—Special treatment for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

Sen. Daniel Inouye (D., Hawaii), Sen. Daniel Akaka (D., Hawaii)—
billions in new funding for something called “Disproportionate Share Hospital” (DSH) payments (financed, in large part, by $18.5 billion in cuts to DSH payments in other states).

Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.), Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.), Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.), Sen. Byron Dorgan (D., N.D.), Sen. Tim Johnson (D., S.D.)

—Higher federal Medicare reimbursement rates for low-population “frontier” states (also qualifying under the bill’s definition of frontier states are Utah and Wyoming, represented in the Senate by Republicans).

Visit Constitutional Emergency at: http://patriotsforamerica.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December Survival tips

Most of us think we are on top of the basic survivalists issues. We have plans, and kits, and bug out equipment.

December brings lots of emergency potentials to the front. Not only for us but our families and friends that are not as disaster ready minded as we in the group.

Here are some tips to help you keep safe during the holidays. I also want to take the time to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Yule .

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to contribute to the groups training and base knowledge.

Here are your tips:

  1. Water, Water, Water your live tree. This time of year Christmas tree fires occur regularly, but they are usually avoidable. Start by trimming the base of the tree a bit and provide plenty of water. Most trees do not get enough, check it several times a day and keep the base filled with water.
  2. Check your lights, especially before placing them onto your live tree. Broken, missing lights and cracked or frayed wires pose an additional fire risk, and a shock hazard. When it doubt, throw them out.
  3. Don’t overload your electrical outlets. This time of year we sometimes get caught up in the beauty of all the lights, but too many into on outlet or on the same circuit can be a serious problem.
  4. Reevaluate your escape plan incase of fire. With the added elements of live trees, candles and many other flammable items it is very important everyone knows how to get out and get out safely.
  5. Now is the perfect time to check your fire and Carbon Monoxide alarms.
  6. When using candles keep them away from flammable objects. A good rule of thumb is if it making the object hot, move the object or put the candle somewhere else.
  7. Many candles come in containers that also get very hot and can burn someone if grabbed or even burn through a wood surface. Make sure children can’t grab them and place the candle on a surface that will not burn. Also remember the pets. If they can, they will get their tails and other parts too close to open flames. If you have nothing else, set your candles in saucers or other non flammable dishware. And put it out when you go out.
  8. Wrapping paper can burn very quickly and cause a quick flash fire. Do not burn the wrapping paper it is not intended for that purpose. Reuse, recycle or just throw it out.
  9. When setting up your tree, keep it at least three feet away from fireplaces, radiators, and other heat sources. I would even try for five feet if possible.
  10. Keep cords out of the way where someone will not trip over them. Don’t use tacks or staples to hang electric cords, and don’t place them under carpets.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hometown’s Safe Seed Pledge

After looking into the company: Home Town Seeds, I have found then to be in good standing. They have also made a Pledge to everyone (See below). I am looking at there seeds and so far cannot find anything wrong with them nor the company and will now recommended them. I think there seeds will prove to be non-hybrid as stated and so I am welcoming then to our site's.

GMO Policy

Hometown’s Safe Seed Pledge

Seeds are the core of our business and vital to life on our planet. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. We pledge that we will not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds. We are not confident in the safety of seeds and therefore will not sell them to our valued customers. We believe they are being released for public use prematurely. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What to train on next and monitoring Oklahoma Earthquakes

We don't get many Oklahoma Earthquakes, so when the USGS center told us we had one on Monday, I was curious about what was going on. I hadn't felt anything, but all things considered it is another temperature we need to keep an eye on. We had been discussing solar flares and how the forecast of very strong flares over the next few years would effect satellites, radio, TV, CB and ham equipment.

Our group met at a library in Tulsa last week to begin our plans for 2010's training schedule.
We had a show and tell of sharing items from our Winter Emergency Car Kits.

I shared the importance of emergency magnetic red flashing tail lights. Shared my story of earlier this year, loosing all electrical very late at night. Stalled on an steep grade hill with no shoulder, in a black truck.

Mother Nature or our guardian angels seem to give us training exercises of their own. After surviving that one, I purchased these lights the next day for my kit. There is an emergency car kit area in Wal-Mart and many other store chains. Red Cross is a brand with lots of good things in that area. Check it out next time you go to wally-world.

If it was our state or country that experienced a similar blackout of electricity, how prepared are you? No gas can be bought if there is no electricity to pump it out of the tanks. Keeping our gas tanks FULL is very important. Keeping at least one extra gas tank of gas stored on your property can become enormously important in preparing for such situations.

But back to yesterdays earthquake:

Check out the site and look at the quakes our planet has experienced in the last 8 days.


Magnitude 3.5

* Monday, December 07, 2009 at 17:44:25 UTC
* Monday, December 07, 2009 at 11:44:25 AM at epicenter
* Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location 35.559°N, 97.259°W
Depth 5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program

* 3 km (2 miles) ESE (102°) from Jones, OK
* 9 km (5 miles) N (5°) from Choctaw, OK
* 10 km (6 miles) NE (40°) from Nicoma Park, OK
* 26 km (16 miles) ENE (71°) from Oklahoma City, OK
* 310 km (193 miles) N (352°) from Dallas, TX

Gloria Youngdeer


Monday, December 7, 2009


This week

Sanday 6th I will be on" The Road Less Traveled at midnight ET ( Boldvoices.TV) and USTREAM.TV)

The link for the show is http://www.boldvoices.tv. On the upper left of the home page is a channel selector; our channel is 17.

Preppers Podcast airing on Thursday 10th ( http://www.prepperpodcast.com/) with Host Matt

Wen 9th new Podcast (Pioneering Your Way To Freedom) on Pioneer Living. http://www.pioneerliving.net

Friday 11th on The Voice Of Wichita http://www.thevoiceofwichita.com

A letter from Home Town Seeds!

A letter from Home Town Seeds!

I am the owner of Hometown Seeds. After getting a scathing email from Kat at selfsustainedliving.blogspot.com I have done some research and discovered that this misunderstanding over our seeds started with an email Chelsea, from our company, sent to you. Please allow me to explain.

First, our survival seeds are all non-hybrid and none are GMO. Secondly, the mistake is all my fault. After reading Kat’s blog and then following the link to your own, we were able to put the pieces together.

Chelsea is working in our little company part time. She is a student at a local university helping us build traffic to our website by reaching out to sites like yours. She is not an expert in gardening and relies on me to answer any technical questions. When you asked her if our seeds were Hybrid or GMO, I told her to respond that we sell some hybrid seeds but they are not in the survival seeds, and none of our seeds are GMO. This is obviously not how she responded and had no idea how badly the mistake would be received. I have seen what she emailed back, hence the misunderstanding and negative blog posts. It was there in black and white after all.

We completely agree with the evils of GMO seeds. We do not now nor ever will carry GMO seeds. As for the survival seeds, the whole point is to provide open pollinated seed that will generate seed for the next year as well as food for the family. All seeds in the survival seed packet are non-hybrid.

We have already sent the survival seed package out to you and I would hope you would examine the types of seeds and the instructions that clearly describe each type of seed.
I feel terrible that we have created such a problem. I don’t know what else I can do but accept full responsibility for the what we have done and apologize profoundly, as I have done with Kat.

You mentioned a couple of other concerns that I thought I would address:
1. We are not owned by Ropter Enterprises. Ropter is our young web genius. He is located in California and we are in central Utah. He created our site and has educated us on the day to day updates that are required. It sounds like you have the technology figured out with all of your projects. We are still learning that aspect.
2. We do not drop ship. We are two guys that have turned our hobby into a really fun business. We are not able to raise all of our seeds and have left that to our supplier who is right here in our valley. He has 40 years of experience and has been our mentor in this project. We have used his seeds and it is only because of our relationship with him that this project was possible. This is another reason we can guarantee none of our seeds are GMO.

Again, I am very sorry. I ask forgiveness from you and your readers.


Scott Peterson, owner
"More garden for your dollar"

I told them I would test there seeds to make sure they are not GMO’s and do an investigation on there company to clear this up.


Pioneer Living

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Just found this on RTR Radio

John Lipscomb of Survivalist Seeds is Now supporting the group and person who has endangered the lives of American Resistance and Militia members
August 01, 2009 By: Freedom Fighter Category: Uncategorized

John Lipscomb of Survivalist Seeds is now connected to a person who has been using liable and slander. The person John is now connected to is a person who is using slander which has now put Georgia patriots lives in danger by possible acts of vigilantism for crimes they have not committed.
Members of The American Resistance Movement and militia in Georgia are the targeted individuals. Also the person Survivalist Seeds is connected to has made false claims in reference to theft as well and has had contact with the person Eric Robinson who plead guilty(11-08) to the Federal Courthouse bombing in San Diego and who goes on trial (08-09).

Support the Resistance. Boycott Survivalist Seeds now.
For more info call 706-394-8019 as we can supply documented proof of our statements.
Again we are prepared to challenge any and all anywhere anytime who take issue with the above information.
The contact info to the company who is connected now to those endangering ARM members.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Just a Note:

A Reminder from the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, "A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

GMO Foods

GM foods

Just to let you all know about GMO:


Safety Potential human health impacts, including allergens, transfer of antibiotic resistance markers, unknown effects Potential environmental impacts, including: unintended transfer of trans genes through cross-pollination, unknown effects on other organisms (e.g., soil microbes), and loss of flora and fauna biodiversity Access and Intellectual Property Domination of world food production by a few companies Increasing dependence on industrialized nations by developing countries Biopiracy, or foreign exploitation of natural resources Ethics Violation of natural organisms' intrinsic values Tampering with nature by mixing genes among species Objections to consuming animal genes in plants and vice versa Stress for animal Labeling Not mandatory in some countries (e.g., United States) Mixing GM crops with non-GM products confounds labeling attempts Society New advances may be skewed to interests of rich countries

GM foods?

Environmental activists, religious organizations, public interest groups,professional associations and other scientists and government officials have all raised concerns about GM foods, and criticized agribusiness for pursuing profit without concern for potential hazards, and the government for failing to exercise adequate regulatory oversight. It seems that everyone has a strong opinion about GM foods. Even the Vatican19 and the Prince of Wales have expressed their opinions. Most concerns about GM foods fall into three categories: environmental hazards, human health risks, and economic concerns.

Environmental hazards

· Un intended harm to other organisms Last year a laboratory study was published in Nature showing that pollen from B.t. corn caused high mortality rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars. Monarch caterpillars consume milkweed plants, not corn,but the fear is that if pollen from B.t. corn is blown by the wind on to milk weed plants in neighboring fields, the caterpillars could eat the pollen and perish. Although the Nature study was not conducted under natural field conditions,the results seemed to support this viewpoint. Unfortunately, B.t. toxins kill many species of insect larvae indiscriminately; it is not possible to design a.B.t. toxin that would only kill crop-damaging pests and remain harmless to all other insects. This study is being reexamined by the USDA, the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other non-government research groups,and preliminary data from new studies suggests that the original study may have been flawed.This topic is the subject of acrimonious debate, and both sides of the argument are defending their data vigorously. Currently, there is no agreement about the results of these studies, and the potential risk of harm to non-target organisms will need to be evaluated further.

· Reduced effectiveness of pesticides

Just as some populations of mosquitoes developed resistance to the now-banned pesticide DDT, many people are concerned that insects will become resistant toB.t. or other crops that have been genetically-modified to produce their own pesticides.

· Gene transfer to non-target species Another concern is that crop plants engineered for herbicide tolerance and weeds will cross-breed, resulting in the transfer of the herbicide resistance genes from the crops into the weeds. These "super weeds" would then be herbicide tolerant as well. Other introduced genes may cross over in to non-modified crops planted next to GM crops. The possibility of inter breeding is shown by the defense of farmers against lawsuits filed by Monsanto. The company has filed patent infringement lawsuits against farmers who may have harvested GM crops. Monsanto claims that the farmers obtained Monsanto-licensed GM seeds from an unknown source and did not pay royalties to Monsanto. The farmers claim that their unmodified crops were cross-pollinated from someone else's GM crops planted a field or two away. More investigation is needed to resolve this issue.

There are several possible solutions to the three problems mentioned above.Genes are exchanged between plants via pollen. Two ways to ensure that non-target species will not receive introduced genes from GM plants are to create GM plants that are male sterile (do not produce pollen) or to modify the GM plant so that the pollen does not contain the introduced gene. Cross-pollination would not occur, and if harmless insects such as monarch caterpillars were to eat pollen from GM plants, the caterpillars would survive.

Another possible solution is to create buffer zones around fields of GM crops. For example, non-GM corn would be planted to surround a field of B.t. GM corn,and the non-GM corn would not be harvested. Beneficial or harmless insects would have a refuge in the non-GM corn, and insect pests could be allowed to destroy the non-GM corn and would not develop resistance to B.t. pesticides.Gene transfer to weeds and other crops would not occur because the wind-blown pollen would not travel beyond the buffer zone. Estimates of the necessary width of buffer zones range from 6 meters to 30 meters or more. This planting method may not be feasible if too much acreage is required for the buffer zones.

Human health risks

· All ergenicity Many children in the US and Europe have developed life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other foods. There is a possibility that introducing a gene into a plant may create a new allergen or cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. A proposal to incorporate a gene from Brazil nuts into soybeans was abandoned because of the fear of causing unexpected allergic reactions. Extensive testing of GM foods may be required to avoid the possibility of harm to consumers with food allergies. Labeling of GM foods and food products will acquire new importance.

· Unknown effects on human health There is a growing concern that introducing foreign genes into food plants may have a nunexpected and negative impact on human health. A recent article published in Lancet examined the effects of GM potatoes on the digestive tract in rats. This study claimed that there were appreciable differences in the intestines of rats fed GM potatoes and rats fed unmodified potatoes. Yet critics say that this paper, like the monarch butterfly data, is flawed and does not hold up to scientific scrutiny. Moreover, the gene introduced into the potatoes was a snowdrop flower lectin, a substance known to be toxic to mammals. The scientists who created this variety of potato chose to use the lectin gene simply to test the methodology, and these potatoes were never intended for human or animal consumption. If you beleave that.

On the whole, with the exception of possible all ergenicity, scientists believe that GM foods do not present a risk to human health. But there is to much money to be made, so testing is not impotent.

Economic concerns

Bringing a GM food to market is a lengthy and costly process, and of cours eagri-biotech companies wish to ensure a profitable return on their investment. Many new plant genetic engineering technologies and GM plants have been patented, and patent infringement is a big concern of agribusiness. Yet consumer advocates are worried that patenting these new plant varieties will raise the price of seeds so high that small farmers and third world countries will not be able to afford seeds for GM crops, thus widening the gap between the wealthy and the poor. It is hoped that in a humanitarian gesture, more companies and non-profits will follow the lead of the Rockefeller Foundation and offer their products at reduced cost to impoverished nations, to make more money.

Patent enforcement may also be difficult, as the contention of the farmers that they involuntarily grew Monsanto-engineered strains when their crops were cross-pollinated shows. One way to combat possible patent infringement is to introduce a "suicide gene" into GM plants. These plants would be viable for only one growing season and would produce sterile seeds that do not germinate. Farmers would need to buy a fresh supply of seeds each year. However, this would be financially disastrous for farmers in third world countries who cannot afford to buy seed each year and traditionally set aside a portion of their harvest to plant in the next growing season. In an open letter to the public, Monsanto has pledged to abandon all research using this suicide gene technology, but has not and will distroy and or run the food market with killer GMO's.