Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trash Can Smoker

I found this over on the APN Forums and thought it was a great idea.  Thanks SwampRat!  To see the pictures go here.

[quote="SwampRat"]So I built a Trash Can Smoker today.  I read a couple of websites on this beforehand.  But something you'll learn about me is that I pretty much gotta do my own thing.  So I used basic concepts and then added a whole new twist to the Trash Can Smoker idea.

The basic idea behind it is first of all I cut the bottom off the 32 gallon galvanized trashcan.  I have a 10 inch terracotta pot sitting directly on the ground to hold coals.  I set three bricks around the pot to set the trash can on to allow a little airflow.  I was unable to find a grating that would fit.  So I got a piece of 24 by 24 inch expanded metal, and cut it to fit.  This is wedged in very tightly and makes up for the support lost by cutting off the bottom.  I don't think this is necessary, but it's little touches like that, that make it a Tactical Smoker, instead of a Trash Can Smoker. ;) I drilled  2 holes on either side by the handles 9 and 1/2 inches below the rim and 5 inches on either side of the seam. I ran a 15 inch piece of 5/16 threaded rod between holes on opposing sides and secured it with lock washers and nuts.  The expanded metal grating fits firmly against these and the sides of the can.  OK now for what you don't see.  I have a water pan that balances above the terracotta pot to steam and catch drippings.  Also you may notice 4 studs sticking from around the rim about 4 inches down, these support another slightly smaller rack that's not in these pictures.  Today was just a test run and "burn off".  With just that small amount of charcoal (enough to fill an old fashioned charcoal starter), and 2 small chunks of hickory the Tactical Smoker maintained 230 to 200 degrees for just over 6 hours!!!, I lifted the lid a few times to glance inside, but other than that I did not mess with it.  One advantage to my Tactical smoker is that if you need to adjust the fire you simply lift the entire can (not the lid) a few inches and set aside while you add wood chips, this causes the heat to stay in the smoker instead of rushing out the top when you remove the lid, or out the side when you open a side hatch.  I estimate that I can fit 6 average size racks of baby backs in this, or about 3 racks of baby backs and 3 whole chickens or 2 racks 2 split hens and a bunch of veggies like squash and corn.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this.

For those of you with a sharp eye, yes that is a 1965 Chevy c10 with a Honda 3 wheeler rear end sticking up out of the bed pushed back in the tree line :-)[/quote]
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