The North American Indians invented pemmican as a condensed food for long over land journeys and winters.The lean meat of animals such as buffalo, elk and deer, was cut in thin slices and dried over a slow fire, or by the hot sun. Then it was pounded to shreds between two stones. The pounded meat was mixed with an equal quantity of boiling fat from the suet (inside fat), and packed in bags or baskets. Eaten cold, it is nearly tasteless at first but the flavor develops as it is chewed.
Some Indians added berries or wild cherries. Admiral Peary and his men ate it cold - one-half pound twice a day. He wrote that it was the only food for Eskimo dogs on a long Polar journey and: "Of all foods I am acquainted with, pemmican is the only one that a man can eat twice a day for 365 days and have the last mouthful taste as good as the first."
Men forced to live solely on salted meats, bread and cereals, suffered and died from scurvy: a disease which results from the lack of Vitamin C. Men who live on pemmican have no scurvy. It is unequaled for compactness, lightness, wholesomeness, palatability and sustaining power.
Home-Made Pemmican
Pemmican may be one of the world's perfect food. It is pure protein,fat, and carbohydrate in perfect ratio. It gives the body the densest nutritional value in a simple, hand-feeding manner. Its high energy ingredients keeps one from being hungry yet feeds the body everything it needs.
Meatless Pemmican
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup dried pumpkin or squash
1/2 cup peanuts
1/2 cup acorn or cornmeal
1/2 cup hickory nuts
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
1/2 cup dried apples
In order to make sure that the acorn or cornmeal is bone-dry,spread it in a thin layer on a cookie sheet and place it in a warm oven(on the lowest setting) for 15-30 minutes. Then combine the dry ingredients and either chop them with a knife or grind them coarsely through a food grinder. Add the honey or maple syrup and blend thoroughly. Divide the mixture into 1/4-cup portions, press into cakes, and store in the refrigerator.
Suet-Less Pemmican
1 cup beef
1 cup dried berries
1 cup crushed nuts of any kind
2 tea-spoons honey
1/4 cup peanut butter
Grind (or pound) the dried meat to a mealy powder. Add the dried berries or nuts. Heat the honey and peanut butter until softened. Blend.When cooled, store in a plastic bag in a cool, dry place.
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