We Oklahoma Preppers have worked in several areas of interest this week.
We have researched, discussed, and explored the best options about Citizen Band and Ham operators equipment for homesteads, vehicles, & emergency situations. The research continues but it is pretty clear that more than a single type of radio equipment is needed to meet our memberships potential needs.
We then moved on to discuss whether we should join the world of FACEBOOK. The jury is still out on that but we have put up a site. Whether it stays up is yet to be determined. One of our group members designed our new logo and I added it here to replace my picture. Then comes what to say once it is up. We have imported youtube videos showing different local disaster situations: Ice storms, floods, tornado's, and terrorism. That plus a training video on what one needs in their winter car kit is all we have done. But, that seems like enough for now.
Thirdly, many of us are reviewing our stored food situation. What do we need to replace, increase, and take better care of. Mice and Rats are among those wishing to survive and they can be very creative in their efforts. I got lax, and left the top off a plastic container I thought was high enough to be safe from such critters. I was wrong, and now have 7 less 26 oz containers of dry milk and 4 less containers of dried eggs. My own fault but needless to say, changes was made and more aggressive defenses were put in place.
Looking further into problems relating to our food stores, comes up the ongoing viedual needed about expired dates. How far past expiration is food good for human consumption, and then who else can benefit from it after the dates are too far gone?
One of our members came across a forgotten barrel. In it there was rice. Old rice that had even turning dark and it had old dead weasels in it. You can't put rice out for birds to eat for they will eat their fill, then drink water, and swell up and die. Not Good. Since this member had nothing on his property that could benefit from the commodity, he sent it to the buried compost pile.
Another has found Oats that expired in 2001. Is it still usable? The proof is in the taste. They have decided to fix up some in something like nutrition bars, and see. That is what we are doing today. researching Oats. Reminding everyone that a big black bold pen, making dates boldly is good to try and help us rotate our stores. If the oats are too far gone for humans, at least the animals will enjoy a treat. My chickens love for me to cook them a big pot of oatmeal in the winter.
We have also found it easy to keep stockpiled condensed milk too long. I prefer buying my stored goods in small containers and stagger their purchase to hopefully help to reduce these problems in the future.
The coffee is ready, so I'll get out of here. Log into facebook and try to find our Oklahoma-survivalist-network site.
Keep Preparing and improving the chances for your family to survive no matter what tomorrow brings.
Gloria Youngdeer
Moderator for the Oklahoma Survivalist Network yahoo group
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